more daring

美 [mɔːr ˈderɪŋ]英 [mɔː(r) ˈdeərɪŋ]
  • adj.勇敢的;敢于冒险的
  • daring的比较级
more daringmore daring
  1. Bergit was probably more daring than I was


  2. If men know all that women think , they 'd is twenty times more daring .


  3. Yes , if I were not a girl , I would be even more daring !


  4. It is getting on for 3 o'clock . You should be more daring and work for faster development .


  5. Apparently , some people who 've answered her ad are a little more daring .


  6. The bottle was nowhere near full . You should be more daring and work for faster development .


  7. The students were terror struck , yet the more daring ones continued to flee .


  8. But it would require more daring than has been seen at Apple since the death of Steve Jobs .


  9. The more daring the stunts , the more money you earn .


  10. As a result , local newspapers and radio stations have become more daring in their choice of topic and way of presentation .


  11. Dates a deux , more daring , were soon taken in stride .


  12. Some of China 's more daring newspapers have seized on the chance to put " Super Girl " in a political context .


  13. So I hope the people of Shanghai will further emancipate their minds , be more daring and move ahead faster .


  14. Vampires became more daring , sexual , interactive and even friendly to people in Blood for Dracula ( 1974 ) .


  15. Suddenly I pictured a daring design knitted into such a sweater . Then an even more daring idea came to me .


  16. If individuality is appreciated , feel free to be a little more daring than you would be if you were a trial lawyer .


  17. With component prices continuously dropping and consumer demand for different screen sizes , expect manufacturers to be more daring with the form factors of their devices .


  18. We should further emancipate our minds , be more daring in reform and opening up , quicken the pace of economic development and not lose any favorable opportunity .


  19. The level was forecast as a year-end target by more daring strategists earlier this year , but few had believed the single currency 's gains would continue for so long .


  20. After cutting circumlunar flight from the Mark II plan , Chamberlin revived the even more daring idea of using the spacecraft in a lunar landing program .


  21. Billy Wilder described his film as a reluctant love story between two men , one being unaware of the other 's attraction , later admitting that he 'd wished he 'd been more daring in making Holmes openly homosexual .


  22. It was Maire Gullichsen who acted as the main client , and she worked closely not only with Alvar but also Aino Aalto on the design , inspiring them to be more daring in their work .


  23. So , the juggling has begun for now and investors can watch Jack Lew pull off more daring moves to buy time to keep the U.S. from fiscal freefall until Congress gets a budget deal , but it needs a deal soon .


  24. and the next morning , to the astonishment of his crash and crash ( the more daring of the boys ventured to grin at one another ) , Little Reuben woke up repeating word for word a long lecture by that curious old writer .


  25. Today 's world needs more such daring and foolhardy creators to enable us to enjoy the beauty and strength of poetry across time and space .


  26. They are more adventurous and daring in their choices .


  27. To confirm that the bacteria themselves were responsible , the scientists took mice that were raised in germ-free cages , animals that also happened to be naturally passive , and fed them bacteria from mice that were more active and daring .


  28. However , leadership is much more than courage and daring .


  29. On one hand , we 'd love to be more like that : more daring , more aggressive .


  30. Some of our best companies , such as Intel , were started in recessions , when necessity makes innovators even more inventive and risk-takers even more daring .
